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Control and Signal Modules

ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
CV14 Family
Compact Discrete Control/Valve Module with Locked/Unlocked Sensor Cables, Tool Stand Interlock (TSI), 0-F Tool ID.
Input - 24V (+20%/-10%) / 4A
Spare Pass-Through Signals - <50V / 3A
Tool ID - 30V / 100mA

DeviceNet Modules

ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
DeviceNet Module with (2) Mini Connectors for DeviceNet and Aux. Power Interface. Supports Double Solenoid Valve Adapter. Supports Air Supply monitoring via Pressure Switch input. Arc Prevention applied to Aux1, Aux2, and CAN V+ power. Supports NPN Lock, Unlock, Thermal 1, and RTL sensors (RTL sensors in series). Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported.

DeviceNet Pass-through Modules

ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
DeviceNet and Auxiliary Power Pass-through Module
DeviceNet - 3 Amp max.
Auxiliary Power - 9 Amp max.
19-pin, 3 Amp/250VAC Electrical Module with 5-pin DeviceNet Connector and 5-position Swivel
3 Amp/250VAC
Electrical Module with (1) M12 5-Pin Male Connector
4 Amp/125VDC
4 Amp/250VAC electrical module with 5-pin M12 connector
4 Amp/250VDC max
10-pin, 5 Amp/24V, pass-through DeviceNet and Aux power module
5 Amp/24V
DeviceNet Pass-Through Module with M12 Connectors Redundant Signals
DeviceNet - 4 Amp/250V
Aux Power - 5 Amp/600V

DeviceNet Quick-Connect Modules

ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
DeviceNet Module with (2) Mini Connectors for DeviceNet and Aux. Power Interface. Supports Double Solenoid Valve with TSI on Master. Arc Prevention applied to Aux1, Aux2, and CAN V+ power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master. Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported.
ODVA Compliant
Quick Connect Capable DeviceNet Module with (2) Mini Conn for DeviceNet and Aux. Power Interface, TSI on Tool, Arc Prevention applied to Aux1, Aux2, and CAN V+ power. Lock/Unlock/RTL Sensing, LED Cables on Master. Tool-ID from Tool module also supported.
Control modules - 24VDC
Pass-through signals - 5 Amp/24VDC
Quick Connect Capable DeviceNet Module with (2) Mini Conn for DeviceNet and Aux. Power Interface, TSI on Tool, Arc Prevention applied to Aux1, Aux2, and CAN V+ power. Lock/Unlock/RTL Sensing, LED Cables on Master. Tool-ID from Tool module also supported.
Control modules: 24VDC
Pass-through signals: 5 Amp/24VDC
Quick Connect Capable DeviceNet Module with Arc Prevention, no TSI Bypass, Block Latch without Tool
Control modules - 24VDC
Pass-through signals - 3 Amp/30VDC
Quick Connect Capable DeviceNet Module with (2) Mini Connectors for DeviceNet and Aux. Power Interface, TSI on Tool w/ No RTL Bypass and Latch Disable Function, Arc Prevention applied to Aux1, Aux2, and CAN V+ power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master (RTL Sensors in Series). Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported
Control modules - 24VDC
Pass-through signals - 3 Amp/30VDC
Quick Connect Capable DeviceNet Module with (2) Mini Connectors for DeviceNet and Aux. Power Interface, TSI on Tool, No RTL Bypass, Arc Prevention applied to Aux1, Aux2, and CAN V+ power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master (RTL Sensors in Series). Includes 3-Pin M8 Connector for Air Supply Pressure Monitoring. Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported.
Control modules - 24VDC
Pass-through signals - 3 Amp/30VDC
DeviceNet Module, Supporting an Integrated Valve with Tool Stand Interlock (TSI) on Tool
ODVA Compliant

Discrete Modules

ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
Discrete, 24-Pin MS3102 Connector, Supports NPN Lock, Unlock, and RTL Sensors (RTL in Series), No Integrated Valve Control, No Tool-ID or TSI on Tool.
Control signals - 24VDC
Pass-through signals - 5 Amp/250V
Discrete Module, 19-Pin MS3102 Connector, Supports PNP Lock, Unlock, and RTL Sensors, No Integrated Valve Control
Control signals - 24VDC
Pass-through signals - 5 Amp/250V
Discrete Module, 26-pin Amphenol, 19-pin Block, Supports Lock/Unlock/R1/R2 Sensors, Tool ID on Tool side. (Not intended for use with an integrated valve.)
Control signals - 24VDC
Pass-through signals - 5 Amp/250V
Harting Module, Supports Servo Power and Redundant Encoder and Ethernet Signals, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors and Integrated Valve, Supports TSI on the Tool with no RTL bypass.
Signal - 5 Amp/250V
Motor Power - 13 Amp/400V
Ethernet Signals - 2 Amp/60V
Tool Changer (TSI) - 4 Amp/24V
Tool Changer (Tool-ID) - 100 mA/50V
Tool Changer (Valve Control) - 19-29V
Sensors (Lock, Unlock, RTL) - 10-30 VDC oper voltage, 150mA Oper Current
Discrete Module, 25-Pin HAN-D Harting Connector, 5-Pin Minifast Aux Power and 4-Pin M12 D-Coded Connector with Redundant PROFINET Pass-Through, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors and Integrated Valve, 0-9 Rotary Switch Tool-ID, Supports TSI with no RTL bypass on the Tool
Aux Power - 5 Amp/250V
Signal - 5 Amp/250V
PROFINET Signals - 4 Amp/250V
Tool Changer (TSI) - 4 Amp/24V
Tool Changer (Tool-ID) - 100 mA/50V
Tool Changer (Valve Control - 19-29V
Sensors (L,U,RTL) - 10-30VDC Operational Voltage, 150 mA Operational Current
Harting Module with Redundant Wiring, Supports Servo Power and Encoder Signals, PROFIBUS/DeviceNet Pass-through, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors and Integrated Valve, Supports TSI on the Tool and Master.
Power - 15 Amp/500V (Harting Block c)
Signal - 3 Amp/24V (Harting Block b)
PROFIBUS/DeviceNet Pass-through - 3 Amp/24V (Harting Block a)
TSI - 1 Amp/30V
Tool-ID - 100mA/24V
Harting Module, Supports Servo Power and Encoder Signals, PROFIBUS/DeviceNet Pass Thru, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors and Integrated Valve, 0-9 Tool-ID, Supports TSI on the Tool
Power - 7 @ 15 Amp/500V
Signal - 14 @ 3 Amp/24V
Tool Changer - 6 @ 3 Amp/24V
Fieldbus - 12 @ 3 Amp/24V
Harting Module that supports Servo Power and Encoder Signals, PROFIBUS Pass Thru, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors and Integrated Valve, Supports TSI on Tool
Power - 7 @ 13 Amp/500V
Signal - 17 @ 3 Amp/24V
Tool Changer (TSI and Tool-ID) - 6 @ 3 Amp/24V
Fieldbus - 2 @ 3 Amp/24V
Discrete Module with M23, 17-pin connector, Supporting PROFIBUS I/O Block and TSI on Tool
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
Discrete Module, 26-pin Amphenol, 19-pin Block, Supports L/U/R1/R2 sensors and Integrated Valve, works with SA Tool-side modules, TSI on Master
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
VA6 Family
Discrete Module, 26-Pin Amphenol, 19-Pin Block, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors with Integrated Valve Pass-through VA6-M Supports TSI on the Master Side and Works with SA Series Tools
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
VA7 Family
Discrete Module, 26-Pin Turck M27 Connector, 19-Pin Block, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors with Integrated Valve Pass-through. VA7-M Supports TSI on the Master Side and Works with SA Series Tools
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
Discrete Module, Supports L/U/R1/R2 PNP Sensors and Integrated Valve, 35-Pin DDK (MS Style) Connector, TSI on Tool, 0-9 Tool-ID, 22 Pass-Through
Control signals - 24VDC
Pass-through signals - 5 Amp/250V
Discrete Signal Module with 36-Pin PT Bayonet Connector, TSI on Master, Supports L/U/R1/R2 PNP Sensors and Integrated Valve (R1 and R2 in Series). (VB13-M connector mounted on Right Angle Spacer Block.)
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
Discrete Signal Module w/35-pin Amphenol on Master, 24-pin Amphenol on Tool. 5-pin Aux Power, 4-pin PROFINET pass-through, 17-pin and 26-pin blocks.
5 Amp/250V max
Tool-ID Switch - 0.1 Amp/30V
Discrete Module, 26-pin Amphenol, 19-pin Block, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors and Integrated Valve,TSI on Tool
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
Discrete Module, 19-pin Amphenol, 19-pin Block, Tool Side Tool Stand Interlock, 10 Pass-Throughs, NPN (sinking) Locked, Unlocked, and RTL sensors
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
VB7 Family
Discrete Module, 26 Pin Amphenol, 19-pin Block, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors w/ Integrated Valve Pass-Through (uses single or double solenoid valve), TSI on Tool and Tool-ID (Mates with VB Series Tools)
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
VB7Z1 Family
Discrete Signal Module with 26-Pin Amphenol, 19-pin Block, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors with Integrated Valve Pass-yhrough (Uses Double Solenoid Valve) **Supports Tool Stand Interlock on Tool Side.
Signal Pass-through - 5 Amp/250V max.
Discrete Module, Supports L/U/R1/R2 NPN Sensors and Integrated Valve, 37-Pin DDK Connector, TSI on Tool, 0-7 Tool-ID
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
Discrete Module, 26-pin Amphenol, Remote I/O Connection, 19-pin Block, Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors and Integrated Valve, TSI on Tool
Control Signals - 24 VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
Remote I/O pass-through signals - 4 Amp/250V
Discrete, 26-pin Amphenol, 19-pin Block. Supports L/U/R1/R2 Sensors and Integrated Valve. VF2-M Supports TSI on the Tool Side
Control Signals - 12 @ 5 Amp/250V, 5 Amp / 24VDC
Interbus Power Pass-through and I/O Connection Module with Arc Prevention
Input Power - 5 Amp/12-30VDC
Output Power - 5 Amp/21-26VDC
IO-Link Module with (4) M12 5-Pin Connectors for I/O Link Pass-Thru, (3) M12 5-Pin Connectors for Valve Control and Locked, Unlocked, and Ready-to-Lock Sensor Inputs. Supports Integrated Valve Control.
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 3 Amp/24V

Discrete Pass-through Modules

ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
Discrete PROFIBUS Pass-Through Module with B-coded M12 Connector
4 Amp/250VAC max.

Dual Redundant DeviceNet Modules

There are currently no modules in this category.

Ethernet/EtherNetIP/EtherCAT/PROFINET Pass-Through Modules

ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
EtherNet/IP Pass-through Module w/Aux. Power Pass-through for Utility Coupler Applications.
Power Pass-through - 8 Amp/12-30VDC
Signal Pass-through - 3 Amp/250V maximum
10 Gigabit Ethernet Pass-Through Module, M12 X-coded
Power: 0.6 A / 60 V
Signal: 10 Gbps / CAT6A
K-style Ethernet (M12, 4-Pin D-Coded Receptacle) and Power (M8, 3-Pin Receptacle) Electrical Module
4 Amp/125VAC
K Style Ethernet (M12 4-Pin D-Coded Receptacle) and Power (M8 4-Pin Male Receptacle) Electrical Module
4 Amp/125VAC
ME10 Electrical Module, M12 D-Code, M12 L-Code
Signal (.6Amp/60V max.) Power (4Amp/63VDC max.)
ME10A Electrical Module, M8 D-Code, M8 A-Code
Signal (.6Amp/60VDC max.) Power (3Amp/60VDC max.)
10/100 CAT5e Ethernet Pass-through Module
5 Amp, 250 VAC / 600VDC
Ethernet Pass-through Module with 4-pins and Shield
2 Amp/60VAC max.
Ethernet Pass-through Module with 8-pins and Shield
0.5 Amp/48VDC
Ethernet Module with Viton Seals, Potted
2 Amps/60V
Ethernet Pass-through Module with connectors for Ethernet and Aux Power
Ethernet Circuit - 2 Amp/60VAC max.
Auxiliary Power Circuit - 5 Amp/600VAC max.
Ethernet Pass-through Module with connectors for Ethernet and Aux Power, Axial orientation. Straight connectors on Tool side.
Aux Power - 4 Amps
Signal - 2 Amps
Pass-through Module with Connectors for Ethernet, Aux Power, and Servo Power
Ethernet Circuit - 2 Amp/150V
Aux Power Circuit - 6 Amp/250V
Servo Power Circuit - 6 Amp/250V
PROFINET Pass-through Module with connectors for PROFINET and Aux Power, 5-Pin Aux Power
PROFINET Circuit - 2 Amp/60VAC max.
Auxiliary Power Circuit - 5 Amp/600VAC max.
EtherCAT Control Module Assembly
EtherCAT - 3 Amp/30VDC max.
US1 Power - 220mA @ 24VDC
US2 Power - 250mA @ 24VDC

EtherNet/IP Modules

ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
Ethernet IP Module with intergrated 4-Pin D-Coded M12 connector for Ethernet communication, 4-Pin Minfast Connector for US1 and US2 power, TSI on the Tool, Arc Prevention applied to US1 and US2, and integrated web server for tool changer communication configuration and Ethernet switch management. Lock, Unlock, RTL sensing and IP address setting option on the Master. Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported.
Input Power: 4A, 21.6-30V
Output Power 7A, 20-30V
EtherNet/IP Module with integrated Ethernet switch, supports DHCP functionality and EtherNet/IP Quick Connect
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
EtherNet/IP Module w/integrated switch supporting DHCP, Quick Connect, Input and Switched Auxillary Power pass-thru, TSI on Tool. M12 D-coded Connector for Ethernet communication, Mini 4-pin Connector for Input power/Switched Aux Power. Lock/Unlock/RTL.
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
EtherNet/IP Module with integrated Ethernet switch supporting DHCP functionality and EtherNet/IP Quick Connect, Input and Switched Auxillary Power pass-through, Non-RTL Bypassed TSI on Tool. M12 D-coded Female Connector for Ethernet communication, one Mini 4-Pin Male Connector for Input power and for Switched Auxillary Power. Lock, Unlock and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master and Tool-ID from the Tool module are also supported. Arc Prevention Circuit applied to AUX Switched and Input power.
Control Signals - 24VDC
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/250V
EtherNet/IP Module with Integrated Ethernet Switch, 4-Pin M12 D-Coded connector for Ethernet communication, 4-Pin MiniFast Connector for Input and Output Power, TSI on the Tool, Arc Prevention applied to Input and Output power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master. Tool-ID from the Tool Module also supported. Safety circuit meets ISO13849 PLd
Power - 180 mA @ 24 VDC
Valve Power (switched Auxiliary Power) - 250 mA @ 24 VDC (Solenoid Valve) (only when locking or unlocking Tool Changer)
Pass-through Power - 5 Amp/20-29 VDC
EtherNet/IP Module with integrated Ethernet switch, supports DHCP functionality and EtherNet/IP Quick Connect, Input and Aux. Power pass-through, TSI on Tool. M12 D-coded Connector for Ethernet communication, Mini 4-Pin Connector for Output, Input and Logic Power. Lock, Unlock and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master and Tool-ID from the Tool module are also supported. Supports RTL Bypass with both sensors in series. Arc Prevention Circuit applied to Aux. Switched and Aux. Unswitched.
Pass-through Power - 5 Amp/24VDC max.
EtherNet/IP Module with integrated Ethernet switch, 4-Pin M12 D-Coded connector for Ethernet communication, Mini 4-Pin Male Connector for Switched and Unswitched Auxiliary Power, 5-Pin M12 to support TSI on the Tool, 4-Pin M12 Connector to support Thermal 1 Input, 0-99999 Tool-ID through to the Master moduleTSI on the Tool, Arc Prevention applied to Switched and Unswitched Aux power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master. Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported. Safety circuit meets ISO13849 PLd
5 Amp/20 - 29VDC
EtherNet/IP Module with integrated Ethernet switch, 4-Pin M12 D-Coded connector for Ethernet communication, Mini 4-Pin Male Connector for Switched and Unswitched Auxiliary Power, 5-Pin M12 to support TSI on the Tool, 4-Pin M12 Connector to support Thermal 1 Input, 0-99999 Tool-ID through to the Master module. Matching Ethernet ports on Master and Tool. TSI on the Tool, Arc Prevention applied to Switched and Unswitched Aux power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master. Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported. Safety circuit meets ISO13849 PLd.
5 Amp/20 - 29VDC
EtherNet/IP Module with integrated Ethernet switch supporting DHCP functionality and EtherNet/IP Quick Connect, Input and Switched Auxillary Power pass-through, Non-RTL Bypassed TSI on Tool. M12 D-coded Female Connector for Ethernet communication, one Mini 5-Pin Male Connector for Input power and for Switched Auxillary Power. Lock, Unlock and RTL sensing with LED cables. Tool side has 0-9 Tool-ID switches.
Pass-through Signals - 5 Amp/24VDC max.
Power - 180 mA @ 24VDC, Master only (Unlocked sensor "ON", Locked)
Valve Power (switched Auxiliary Power) - 250 mA @ 24VDC (Solenoid Valve) (only when locking/unlocking Tool Changer)
Tool-ID switch - 0.1 Amp/30VDC

InstaTool Modules (ATI InstaTool Applications Note)

There are currently no modules in this category.


ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
Discrete PROFIBUS Pass-through Module
10 @ 4Amp/24VDC


ModuleDescriptionElec. Rating
PROFINET Module with integrated Ethernet switch, D-Coded 4-Pin M12 connector for PROFINET communication, 5-Pin Mini Connector for US1 and US2 power, TSI on the Tool, Arc Prevention applied to US1 and US2 power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master. Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported.
Safe Power - 24 VDC I/O+ and 24VDC
10 Amp/ 12-30VDC
PROFINET Module with integrated Ethernet switch. D-Coded 4-Pin M12 connector for PROFINET communication, 5-pole Mini Connector for Switched and Unswitched Auxiliary power. Arc Prevention applied to Switched and Unswitched Auxiliary power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master. Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported. Safety circuit meets ISO13849 PLd.
Power Pass Through - 10 Amp
Signal - 3 Amp/30VDC max.
PROFINET Module with integrated Ethernet switch, D-Coded 4-Pin M12 connector for PROFINET communication, 5-Pin Mini Connector for US1 and US2 power, TSI on the Tool, Arc Prevention applied to US1 and US2 power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master. Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported.
Auxiliary Power: 9 Amp / 20-29 VDC
Profinet: 1 Amp / 30VDC max
Note: Arc prevention is applied to US1 and US2 power.
PROFINET Module with RJ45 Push-Pull Ethernet and 5-Pin Push-Pull Power Connectors, Arc Prevention. 0-99999 Tool-ID. TSI on Tool side.
US1 and US2 Power - 10 Amp/12-30VDC
PROFINET Module with integrated Ethernet switch, RJ45 Push-Pull connector for Ethernet communication, 5-Pin Push-Pull Connector for US1 and US2 power, 10-Pin Push-Pull Hybrid Connection, TSI on the Tool, Arc Prevention applied to US1 and US2 power. Lock, Unlock, and RTL sensing with LED cables on the Master. 5-digit Tool-ID from the Tool module also supported. Safety circuit meets ISO13849 PLd.
Power Pass-through - 10 Amp
Signal - 3 Amp/30 VDC max.
PROFINET Pass-Through Module w/ Aux. Power Pass-Through for Utility Coupler Applications. M12 D-coded Female Connector for PROFINET communication, Mini 5-Pin Male Connector for Switched and Un-Switched Aux. Power circuits. Two (2) M12 4-Pin Connectors for Connection Verification signal and Arc Prevention Control. Arc Prevention Circuit applied to Aux. Switched, Aux. Unswitched.
Power - 8 Amp/12-30VDC
Signal - 3 Amp/250V max.

Previous Product Versions:
DD3 , DKD , DU2 , GB8 Family

Custom Application Tool Changer Models and Modules

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