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Ethernet、EtherNet/IP、DeviceNet、CANバスシステムに接続します。ネットF/Tのウェブブラウザインターフェイスは、すべてのネットボックスモデルにあるEthernet接続により、簡単に構成、セットアップできます。EthernetインターフェイスはUDPパケットを用いて高速ストリーミングデータを送信します。オプションとしてPROFINETインターフェイスも利用できます。また、OEMインターフェイスオプションとして利用できるネットCAN OEMを、小型ロボットアームに統合できるよう設計しました。ネットCAN OEMは、ホストコンピュータと通信するCANバスとRS-485シリアルインターフェイスがあり、ATIが提供するコードを用いて必要な計算を行います。

NETB Drawing
NETBA Drawing
NETB-PN2 Drawing
ネットF/T: 多軸力/トルクトランスデューサ
EtherCAT F/T

Connects to one 4-pin, M12 connector for EtherCAT signal and power. Integrated signal conditioning, data acquisition, and a single-port EtherCAT interface are all contained in the sensor. The EtherCAT F/T interface is available on the transducer for larger ATI transducer models with IP60 or IP65 protection. Also available as an OEM interface option, the ECATOEM interface board was designed to be integrated into small robot arms. ECATOEM is compatible with all ATI TW model transducers with an EC8 connector option.

EtherCAT Manual
EtherCAT F/T Interface for OEM Manual - ECATOEM

EtherCAT F/T
Digital F/T

Connects to RS-485 bus and uses power from a user-supplied DC power source. The user’s computer converts the transducer output into force and torque data using ATI software. The electronics for this interface can be located on the transducer (except for Nano- and Mini-series transducers). Also available as an OEM interface option, the Net CAN OEM was designed to be integrated into small robot arms. The Net CAN OEM offers a CAN Bus and an RS‑485 serial interface to communicate with a host computer, which performs the necessary calculations using ATI supplied code. (Not available on Nano or Mini sensor styles)

Digital F/T Manual

Digital F/T


DAQ F/Tマニュアル
PS-1 DAQ Power Supply Drawing
IFPS-1 – DAQ Interface Power Supply Drawing
IFPSMC Multiple IFPS Box Drawing
DAQ F/T: 多軸力/トルクトランスデューサ

TWE(Transducer Without Electronics、電子部品なしのトランスデューサ)システムは特殊OEMや研究アプリケーションに典型的に用いられ、お客様が増幅と信号調節を用意することが求められます。このシステムは、トランスデューサ、校正情報、ソースコードだけで構成されています。お客様は、弊社資料に従い、電気インターフェイス、増幅と信号調節を用意しなければなりません。これにはハイレベルな電子工学のスキル、経験と、ユーザマニュアルの完全な理解が求められます。お客様はソフトウェアインターフェイスも実装しなければなりませんが、必要な計算にはATIが供給するコードを使うことができます。

TWE F/T: 多軸力/トルクトランスデューサ
Data rates of the different F/T systems types
Type Output Format Maximum Output Rate Latency Filtering Options Anti-Aliasing Filtering Thresholding Discrete I/O
Net F/T Std. mode (Fieldbus or Ethernet) 7000 Hz 500 μs 5 Hz to 838 Hz, digital filtering 2nd order @ 1000 Hz One-bit output. The standard mechanical relay has 6 ms latency. The optional solid-state relay has 500 μs latency.
RDT mode (Ethernet only) 288 μs
EtherCAT F/T EtherCAT 1000 Hz up to 1 ms 2 Hz to 360 Hz, digital filtering 2nd order @ 1000 Hz One-bit solid-state relay output with 500 μs latency.
Digital F/T RS-485 serial at up to 1.25 MBaud 7000 Hz 144 μs None 2nd order @ 1000 Hz None. Thresholding can be custom implemented in user’s software.
DAQ F/T Digital from DAQ card 16.67 kHz† to 41.67 kHz† 1/OutputRate Averaging 2nd order @ 5.1 kHz None. Thresholding can be custom implemented in user’s software.
TWE F/T Voltage Practically infinite Negligible None None None. Thresholding can be custom implemented in user’s software.
† the DAQ output rate is the data rate of the DAQ board being used divided by (6) channels
‡ Latency values do not include delays from the user's network
Output Format: Format of the data.
Maximum Output Rate: The maximum number of samples per second received by the user.
Latency: The maximum amount of time it takes for a load to be output and received by the user. The latency data given in the table above is for the maximum output rate. At lower output rates the latency will increase.
Filtering Options: Digital filters available to the user. These may be disabled.
Anti-Aliasing Filter: The type of low-pass filter used to remove high-frequency noise from the transducer's signals.
Thresholding Discrete I/O: Types of discrete I/O to signal the state of user-defined thresholding statements.
Note: Resonance frequencies for transducers are listed with transducer specifications. Frequency response is dependent on sensor tooling mass and configuration, is specific to each application, and if desired is the responsibility of the customer to determine.
Synchronization of F/T Systems with other measurement systems
Interface Summary Synchronization Method Latency
Net F/T Computer programming required to access data on network. Streaming outputs rates are accurate to ±0.5%. Available synchronization methods:
  • Data coming over Ethernet UDP protocol contain sample-count index fields. Data can get synchronized programmatically.
  • Data packets can get requested individually. The requesting software controls the acquisition time and can synchronize F/T data with other data sources.
  • Data coming over CAN bus are synchronized with other data acquisition systems on the same network.
Latency between actual event and Ethernet output is 288 μs (using the RDT UDP protocol). Note that the latency between a UDP data request and the actual data output can be up to 5 ms.
EtherCAT F/T EtherCAT has native synchronization. EtherCAT’s native synchronization. Latency between actual event and EtherCAT output is up to 1 ms.
Digital F/T Computer programming required to use Digital F/T. Data streams at a constant 7000 Hz, accurate to ±0.5%. Data is autonomously streamed at 7000 Hz (every 143 μs) without any special synchronization capabilities. Latency is 144 μs at 1.25 MBaud.
DAQ F/T Fairly easy, most accurate synchronization, computer programming required to access drivers and DAQ card. Raw transducer signals can be measured together with other signals on the same data acquisition system. (Transducer signal data have to be converted to force and torque data using ATI driver.) Latency between actual event and analog output is a few microseconds. Update rate depends on data acquisition system settings.
TWE F/T Fairly easy, most accurate synchronization, computer programming required to access drivers and DAQ card. Raw transducer signals can be measured together with other signals on the same data acquisition system. (Transducer signal data have to be converted to force and torque data using ATI driver.) Latency between actual event and analog output is a few microseconds. Update rate depends on data acquisition system settings.

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