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Robotic Tool Changers

Why ATI Tool Changers?
This video explains what a Robotic Tool Changer is, its advantages, and why ATI Industrial Automation is the world leader in robotic end-effectors and robot arm tooling.
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Heavy Duty Material Handling Application
QC-1210 Heavy Automation Robotic Tool Changer enables the robot to handle multiple end-effectors.
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Stand-Alone Covers and Pneumatically-Actuated Debris Shields
Stand-Alone Covers and Pneumatically-Actuated Debris Shields for our Heavy Automation Robotic Tool Changers, provide protection...
Micro Tool Changers enable quick and automatic exchange of robot...
QC-001 Micro Tool Changer enabling quick and automatic exchange of robot end-effectors.
Press Transfer Tool Change at Wayne Trail Technologies
Utilizing QC-210 Tool Changers for quick and automatic exchange of press transfer tooling.
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Aseptic Pharmaceutical Filling System
An aseptic pharmaceutical system utilizes a custom QC-20 Robotic Tool Changer, enabling the robot to switch between different...
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Tool Changer Locking Mechanism - How it Works
Detailed explanation of how ATI's Robotic Tool Changer locking mechanism operates.
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ATI Heavy Automation Tool Changers
Heavy Automation Tool Changers provide flexibility to robot applications by allowing them to change end-effectors (e.g. grippers,...
Wax Room Application at MPI Systems
QC-20 Robotic Tool Changers enable the robot to quickly exchange and handle multiple end-of-arm tools.
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Heavy Duty Picking and Palletizing Application
QC-510 Heavy Duty Robotic Tool Changers enabling the robot to handle multiple packaging operations.
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Accuray CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery
The Accuray CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery system utilizes a custom-designed Tool Changer with a through-hole to pass a...
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Compact Robotic Welding Cell
Robotic Tool Changers enable the robot to utilize multiple large end-effectors in a compact and efficient welding cell.
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Robotic Welding at Roylan Industries
QC-110 Robotic Tool Changer enables the robot to quickly change welding end-effectors.
Roller Hemming Application at RMG Design
Robotic Tool Changers utilized in roller hemming operation to quickly exchange end-effectors.
FleetwoodGoldcoWyard Packaging Application
QC-150 Robotic Tool Changers are utilized to quickly exchange packaging end-effectors.
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Automated Box Opening System
A custom Robotic Tool Changer is used in blade changing system to increase safety and production.
Introbotix TDR Board Testing
QC-5 Robotic Tool Changers enable the robot to utilize multiple testing probes without interruption of TDR board testing.
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Comau's Robotic Smart Cell
Robotic Smart Cell by Comau utilizing Robotic Tool Changers which enable the robot to perform multiple tasks associated with automotive parts assembly.
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Bohl Crane Material Handling Tool Changeover
Bohl Crane utilizing QC-40 Tool Changers for quick and automatic exchange of material handling tooling.
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Tool Changers, Collision Sensors, and Compliance Device used in lab...
Robotic Tool Changers, Collision Sensors and RCC Compliance Devices used in Laboratory Automation.
Appliance Testing at Magna
Gamma model F/T Sensor used to verify that control buttons and knobs meet product specifications. QC-11 Tool Changers enable the robot to handle multiple testing...
Robotic Component Marking at Monode
QC-21 Tool Changers enable Monode's robotic marking system to automatically scan, mark and verify large aerospace components.
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Motoman Packaging Demonstration
QC-5 Tool Changer used in a Packaging Robot Demo shown at Pack Expo shows.
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Exchange and Docking of Welding Torches
QC-5 Tool Changers enable the robot to automatically exchange welding torches, Locking Tool Stands ensure safe and secure tool...
Weld Fixture Changeover Application
QC-210 Heavy Duty Robotic Tool Changers being utilized in weld fixture exchange and changeover.
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Pick and Place Pressroom Operation
ATI Robotic Tool Changer demonstrating tool changes in pick and place pressroom operation.
Increased Productivity at Engineered Machined Products
QC-110 Tool Changers enable the robot to handle multiple end-of-arm tools.
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Kaufman Packaging Application
SR-221 Robotic Collision Sensor protects valuable end-effector tooling. QC-110 Robotic Tool Changer enables the robot to automatically switch end-effectors.
Plastic Injection Molding
Robotic deburring of an injection molded plastic part with ATI's RC-340 Compliant Deburring Tool.
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Product Testing at Battenberg
Force/Torque Sensor used to verify that control buttons and knobs meet product specifications. Robotic Tool Changers enable the robot to switch between testing stations...
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Deburring of a cast metal housing with Flexdeburr, VersaFinish, and...
Flexdeburr RC-340 shown with VersaFinish ACT-390 along with an ATI QC-20 Tool Changer.
Quick and automatic exchange of cutting tools
QC-21 Robotic Tool Changer allows the quick change out of various deburring and cutting tools.
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Automotive Toe Tooling Exchanged with ATI Tool Changers
Heavy Automation Tool Changers enable quick exchange of Toe Tooling. Multiple wheel configurations can be accommodated by one...
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Loading and Unloading Water Bottles
QC-150 Tool Changers being utilized in the racking procedure of 5 gallon water bottles.
Schmalz Packaging Robot Test Cell
Tool Changers enable efficient testing of customer materials in this packaging cell.
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OSB Packaging/Finishing Application
PRE-TEC uses ATI Tool Changers in a dual Master-and-Tool configuration for an efficient method of protecting wood products during...
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Tool Changers Utilized in Changing Press Brake Tooling
Acieta’s Robotically Integrated Bending Solution (RIBS) system utilizes Robotic Tool Changers to automatically change press brake...
Automotive Assembly with Robotic Tool Changers
Robotic Tool Changers utilized in an automotive assembly operation. Footage courtesy of Edgewater Automation.
Force/Torque Sensors

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Why ATI Force/Torque Sensors?
This video explains why ATI Industrial Automation is the world leader in force/torque sensing technology.
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Product Testing Demonstration
Force and torque data from the ATI F/T Sensor is used to allow the robot to perform a variety of product testing operations: design verification, life-cycle testing, and...
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Precision Assembly Demonstration
Force and torque data from the ATI Force/Torque Sensor is used to allow the robot to perform precision assembly tasks.
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Automated Electronics Assembly using Force/Torque Sensor
Gamma Force/Torque Sensor uses ArtiMinds RPS robot programming software, making robot programming faster and easier.
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Product Testing at Battenberg
Force/Torque Sensor used to verify that control buttons and knobs meet product specifications. Robotic Tool Changers enable the robot to switch between testing stations...
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Stone Cutting Application
Omega191 Force/Torque Sensor provides pressure feedback to optimize the stone cutting and finishing processes.
Flash Removal with Force/Torque Sensors
Force/Torque Sensor used to provide the operator with tactile feedback, enabling more precise robot and end-effector...
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Grinding and Polishing with Force Feedback
Delta model Force/Torque Sensor provides force and position feedback in a robotic finishing and polishing application.
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Quanser 5-Degree-of-Freedom System
Force/Torque Sensor used in a 5-degree-of-freedom telepresence system. Gamma F/T Transducer is used in the system.
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Part Sorting and Orientation Application
Force/Torque Sensors enable the Kawasaki RS005L Robot to sort and orient weights.
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Turbine Blade Grinding at ABB
ATI Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensor being utilized to provide feedback to robot to allow for even turbine blade machining.
Grip Force Research at King's College
Nano17 Force/Torque Sensors are utilized in the fingertips of research robots to measure robot-to-object grip forces.
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Kitchen Sink Surface Polishing Application
Force/Torque Sensor being used to maintain constant contact force in surface polishing of a kitchen sink unit.
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Force/Torque Sensor used in robot control system
ABB's RobotWare Assembly Force Control system utilizes ATI's Force/Torque Sensor.
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Automated Assembly at Nachi Robotics
Delta model Force/Torque Transducer used for automated assembly.
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Quanser Haptic Teleoperation System
Gamma model Force/Torque Transducer is utilized in a 5-degree-of-freedom telepresence system.
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Paper Roll Finishing at ABB
A Force/Torque Sensor mounted on the wrist of the robot provides force feedback, enabling the robot to make quick adjustments in real-time to maintain a constant contact...
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Friction Stir Welding Application
Friction Stir Welding provides optimal welding for materials with low melting points. ATI Force/Torque Sensors are utilized by the robot to provide force and torque...
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Surface Finishing with Force/Torque Sensors
Used to maintain constant contact force. Shown with Theta F/T Transducer and Gripper attachments.
Appliance Testing at Magna
Gamma model F/T Sensor used to verify that control buttons and knobs meet product specifications. QC-11 Tool Changers enable the robot to handle multiple testing...
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Precision Robotic Assembly Application
ATI's Nano43 model Force/Torque Sensor used in Precision Robotic Assembly. Precision robotic assembly machine manufactures small...
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Force/Torque Sensor enabling part path navigation on a UR5 Universal...
A short demonstration of an ATI Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensor being utilized in part path navigation by a UR5 Universal Robot.
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Robotic Force Control For Electrical Assembly
Using the Axia80 Force/Torque Sensor, DENSO’s VS-060 robot performs an electronic assembly application to install IC chips into a...
Material Removal Tools

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Why ATI Deburring Tools?
Watch this video to see how ATI's Compliant Deburring Tools increase safety and quality of material removal processes.
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Compliant Deburring Blade (CDB)
Featuring a durable interface to accommodate a variety of readily available hand-held blades and media. This deburring tool excels in light and medium deburring,...
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Robotic Deburring of Automotive Wheels
Radially-Compliant Deburring Tools used in iA-ROBOTICS’s Automated Wheel Deburring System.
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Aluminum Housing Deburring at Bastian Solutions
Flexdeburr RC-660 Robotic Deburring Tool utilized to remove excess aluminum from transmission housings.
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Robotic Deburring of Cast Metal Housings
Flexdeburr RC-340 shown with VersaFinish ACT-390 along with an ATI QC-20 Tool Changer.
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Plastic Flash Removal with Speedeburr
Axially-Compliant Deburring Tool shown deburring a cover of a disposal container made of fiberglass armored polyester.
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Robotic Deburring at Compass Automation
RC-340 Compliant Deburring Tool shown removing plastic flash from fuse boxes.
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Microwave Oven Grill Polishing
VersaFinish Axially-Compliant Finishing Tool, ACT-390 polishing a microwave oven grill for an even surface finish.
Plastic Injection Molding
Robotic deburring of an injection molded plastic part with ATI's RC-340 Compliant Deburring Tool.
The Complete Robotic Sanding Solution
The AOV-10 Compliant Orbital Sander is a safe and economical alternative for manual surface preparation processes. It offers...
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Crankshaft Deburring Application
Speedeburr Axially-Compliant Deburring Tool shown shown deburring a crankshaft for a large engine manufacturer.
Robotic deburring of cast metal housing
Flexdeburr RC-660 Robotic Deburring Tool utilized to remove excess aluminum from transmission housings
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Demonstrating the flexibility of ATI's Speedeburr AC Deburring Tool
Demonstrating the flexibility of the Speedeburr, Axially-Compliant Deburring Tool.
Robotic deburring of a cast metal housing
Flexdeburr RC-340 shown with VersaFinish ACT-390 along with an ATI QC-20 tool changer
Robotic deburring of molded plastic parts
ATI RC-340 Compliant Deburring Tool shown removing plastic flash from fuse boxes
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Collaborative Robotic Sanding with Kane Robotics and AOV-10
Using the AOV-10 Compliant Orbital Sander and Universal Robots UR10e, Kane Robotics integrated an aluminum polishing application...
Robotic Collision Sensors

Why ATI Robotic Collision Sensors?
This video explains what a Robotic Collision Sensor is, its advantages, and why ATI Industrial Automation is the world leader in...
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Plastic Injection Molding
SR-131 Collision Sensor protects valuable robot tooling from robot crashes.
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Kaufman Packaging Application
SR-221 Robotic Collision Sensor protects valuable end-effector tooling. QC-110 Robotic Tool Changer enables the robot to automatically switch end-effectors.
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Tool Changers, Collision Sensors, and Compliance Device used in lab...
Robotic Tool Changers, Collision Sensors and RCC Compliance Devices used in Laboratory Automation.
Manual Tool Changers

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Why ATI Manual Tool Changers?
This video explains what an ATI Manual Tool Changer is and how it allows tooling and utilities to be quickly changed by hand.
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MC-10 Manual Tool Changer for Collaborative Applications
Provides a cost-effective solution for quickly changing tools by hand in collaborative robot applications. The compact yet robust...
Utility Couplers

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Why ATI Utility Couplers?
This video explains what an ATI Utility Coupler is and how it allows tooling and utilities to be quickly connected.
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Utility Coupler Demonstration
Enables the quick connection of utilities such as air, fluid, power and electrical signals in docking and fixturing applications. The unit is able to pass utilities even...
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Equipment Changeover for KTH Parts Industries
KTH Parts Industries Utilize GA2 Utility Couplers to Automate their Equipment Changeover Process.
Compliance Devices

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RCC Compensator demonstration
Demonstrating automated assembly alignment; Corrects lateral and rotational misalignment.
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Tool Changers, Collision Sensors, and Compliance Device used in lab...
Robotic Tool Changers, Collision Sensors and RCC Compliance Devices used in Laboratory Automation.
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Universal Compliance Compensator (UCC)
Our Universal Compliance Compensator (UCC) allows the robot to overcome severe misalignment between the tool and the workpiece.
Preventative Maintenance and Set Up Videos

Click on a link below to jump to a section
Robotic Tool Changers

Robotic Tool Changers
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How to use ATI's Teaching Aids for Robotic Tool Changers
Demonstration of how to use ATI's Teaching Aids for ATI Robotic Tool Changers.
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Electrical Pin replacement procedure for ATI Tool Changer Electrical...
Step-by-step video of ATI's Electrical Pin replacement procedure for ATI Tool Changer Electrical Modules.
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Cleaning and lubrication of ATI Tool Changer Locking Mechanism
Step-by-step video of cleaning and lubrication of ATI Tool Changer Locking Mechanism.
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Lock and Unlock Sensor replacement procedure for ATI Tool Changers
Step-by-step video of ATI's Lock and Unlock Sensor replacement procedure for ATI Tool Changers.
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Master Module contact tip replacement procedure for ATI Tool Changer...
Step-by-step video of ATI's Master Module contact tip replacement procedure for ATI Tool Changer High Current Modules.
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Master-Side valve rebuild procedure for ATI Tool Changers
Step-by-step video of ATI's Master-Side Valve rebuild procedure for ATI Tool Changers.
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Pin Inspection and Cleaning Procedure for ATI Tool Changer...
Step-by-step video of ATI’s Pin Inspection and Cleaning Procedure for ATI Tool Changer Electrical Modules.
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Tool Module Contact Tip Replacement Procedure for ATI Tool Changer...
Step-by-step video of ATI’s Tool Module Contact Tip Replacement Procedure for ATI Tool Changer High Current Modules.
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Tool-Side Valve Rebuild Procedure of ATI Tool Changers
Step-by-step video of a Tool-Side Valve Rebuild Procedure of a ATI Tool Changer.
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ATI PA21 High Current Module Wiring Procedure
Step-by-step how-to video demonstrating the wiring procedure for the PA21-M and PA21-T High Current Modules.
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ATI PA22 High Current Module Wiring Procedure
Step-by-step how-to video demonstrating the wiring procedure for ATI's PA22-M High Current Module.


Compliance Devices
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