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Force Control Devices

ATI’s Force Control Devices are standalone units used to integrate compliance into a process. Force control devices provide an open platform for users to bring adaptable, compliant force control into automated material removal applications.

Passive Compliant Force Control Device

ATI’s Passive Compliant Force Control (PCFC) device is used to integrate compliance into automated processes. It provides an open platform for users to incorporate highly-customized passive compliant force control into automated material removal applications. The PCFC creates more responsiveness for automated processes that utilize rigid end-effectors such as bench grinding, die grinding, cutting, and gate removal, and can be used on either side of a part-to-process or process-to-part application.

The compliance force is modular to give users the ability to target specific force ranges for particular applications. The PCFC features adjustable stages of compliance; by engaging or disengaging the pistons, users can easily increase or decrease the compliance force range.

If needed, the interface plates can be removed to provide a large thru hole. This option gives users the ability to integrate their own motor which decreases overall stress on the robot arm and reduces the stack height of end-of-arm tooling.

Features and Benefits

  • Adjustable compliance force
    Provides passive force control in both push and pull directions. Built-in modular compliance provides up to three different force ranges.

  • Axial compliance
    Pure linear motion reduces chatter and allows easier path planning as cutting media approaches surface perpendicularly

  • Compliance position sensing
    Identify when compliance is not engaged, engaged, or "bottomed out" to make programming easier.

  • Thru-hole
    Allows for a lower stack height, additional mounting options, and can be used to house a small motor.

  • Gravity Compensation
    Maintain a constant force, no matter what orientation of the tool or mass of the motor

Force Control Devices
Clique sobre qualquer um dos títulos das tabelas para classificar os dados da coluna.
ModelWeightCompliance TravelCompliance Force Range
PCFC-12-A-S17,8 lb0,47 in2 lbf - 19 lbf
PCFC-12-B-S17,9 lb0,47 in2 lbf - 39 lbf
PCFC-12-C-S18 lb0,47 in2 lbf - 59 lbf

Material Removal Testing Services
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ATI Industrial Automation
1031 Goodworth Dr. | Apex, NC 27539 USA
Umberto Aranha, Account Manager, +55 11 9 9232 4919
Trocadores de Ferramentas Robóticos
Sensores de Força/Torque
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Compliance Devices
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