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Corporate Headquarters
ATI Industrial Automation
1031 Goodworth Dr, Pinnacle Park
Apex, NC 27539-3869


From the North:
Take I-440 South to US 1/64.  Take US 1 South to Exit 96 (Highway Ten-Ten).  Turn right at stoplight onto Center St./Highway 1010.  Immediately after crossing the bridge turn right onto Lufkin Road.  Turn left on Classic Road.  Turn right on Burma Road.  Turn left onto Goodworth Drive.  We are the last building on the left.

From the South:>
Take I-440 North to US 1.  Take US 1 South to exit 96 (Highway Ten-Ten). Turn right at stoplight onto Center St./Highway 1010.  Immediately after crossing the bridge turn right onto Lufkin Road.  Turn left on Classic Road.  Turn right on Burma Road.  Turn left onto Goodworth Drive.  We are the last building on the left. 

From the Airport:
Take I-40 East to US 1 South.  Take US 1 South to exit 96 (Highway Ten-Ten). Turn right at stoplight onto Center St./Highway 1010. Immediately after crossing the bridge turn right onto Lufkin Road.  Turn left on Classic Road.  Turn right on Burma Road.  Turn left onto Goodworth Drive.  We are the last building on the left. 

ATI Detroit Sales Office:
1935 Enterprise Drive
Rochester Hills, MI 48309 USA
+1 248-276-0502 phone
+1 248-276-0878 fax
Click here  for driving directions.

ATI Industrial Automation
1031 Goodworth Dr. | Apex, NC 27539 USA
Umberto Aranha, Account Manager, +55 11 9 9232 4919
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Acopladores de Utilidades
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