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ATI Industrial Automation
New Tool Changers are Heading to Chicago for IMTS
Visit ATI at Booth 236111
The IMTS Show comes to McCormick Place in Chicago, September 12-17, which is right around the corner! This year ATI will showcase several Robotic Tool Changer solutions that will make integrating and deploying new robotic systems much easier. ATI’s latest Robotic Tool Changers, QC-7 and QC-29 are small footprint, easy to integrate, and compatible with ATI’s wide selection of Utility Modules. Speaking of modules, the new CV14 Safety and Control Module features integrated safety and air valve connections.

ATI will feature a large amount of robotic demonstrations in their booth area including:

In a large cell, ATI will also demonstrate how their Heavy Duty Tool Changers are utilized to automatically switch large end-effectors. A FANUC R-1000iA/80F robot with ATI QC-210 Tool Changers and an Atlas Copco K-Flow flow drill fastening tool and an Atlas Copco SCA industrial dispensing tool will simulate the joining of automotive B-pillar assemblies.

In another demonstration cell from DIY Robotics, an ABB IRB 1200 will use an ATI AOV-10 Orbital Sander to sand down the mating surface on an oil pan.

ATI will also demonstrate how their Axia80 Force/Torque (F/T) Sensor and a KUKA KR6 Robot can perform a planetary helical gear meshing operation using force control.

In a robotic cell from Acme Manufacturing, A FANUC CRX cobot will be using an ATI QC-29 Tool Changer to automatically switch between an ATI AOV-10 Orbital Sander and an ATI RCE-230 Electric Deburring Tool.

Visit the ATI Team at IMTS Booth 236111 during your visit to learn more about how our new versatile tool changing solutions and other end-effector products can increase robotic flexibility in your application.

In the meantime check out these links for information about our featured tool changer products and more!

Contact us for more information on free passes for IMTS or any of our products.

Register for IMTS 2022 in Chicago!

Unlock Productivity for Smaller Robots with the QC-29 Robotic Tool Changer

ATI Develops the CV14 Safety and Control Module

ATI Develops Compact and Lightweight Robotic Tool Changer


ATI's newest Robotic Tool Changers for Smaller Robots - clockwise QC-29 Robotic Tool Changer, QC-7 Robotic Tool Changer and CV14 Safety and Control Module.


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