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ATI Industrial Automation
ATI Develops the Compliant Deburring Blade (CDB)
The Compliant Deburring Blade (CDB), patent pending, is ATI’s newest and most versatile deburring tool. The durable interface accommodates a variety of readily available blades and media used with hand deburring tools. The pneumatically-controlled, articulated design gives users the ability to tune the contact force to accommodate specific applications by changing the air pressure. This deburring tool excels in light and medium deburring, chamfering, and scraping operations on materials such as plastic, aluminum, steel, and brass.

The CDB’s axial and radial compliance is ideal for maintaining constant force where surface irregularities are present. Integrating the Compliant Deburring Blade in a robotic material removal application not only reduces robotic programming time, but also makes the programming process easier. ATI's CDB is also available with Automatic Blade Changing which gives users the ability to deploy multiple blades in one cycle. This feature also makes the changeover process hands-free and further increases process efficiency.

The pneumatically-actuated compliance mechanism enables dynamic control of contact force to accommodate applications such as edge deburring, chamfering, countersinking, and scraping.

The robust collet accepts standard off-the-shelf hand deburring blades and media that can be changed without additional tools.

This adaptable device can be utilized for various material removal tasks on plastic, aluminum, steel, brass, and more.

No motor noise helps to reduce ambient noise in the work environment.

A simple mechanical design, without high-speed moving parts, makes this tool an ideal solution for collaborative processes.

Operators can easily switch between full radial and single-axis compliance.

Floating radial and axial compliance allow fast and easy programming of the robot. The movement of the blade compensates for changes in part tolerances, part misalignment, and robot path variation.

For more information on ATI's Compliant Deburring Blade (CDB), click here.

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CDB-8-11 Compliant Deburring Blade

ATI Industrial Automation
1031 Goodworth Dr. | Apex, NC 27539 USA
Umberto Aranha, Account Manager, +55 11 9 9232 4919
Trocadores de Ferramentas Robóticos
Sensores de Força/Torque
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