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Force Shoes Outfitted with ATI Force/Torque Sensors Launched to the ISS
Xsens ForceShoes Utilized to Study Astronaut Movements
Apex, NC , julho 9, 2014
ATI Industrial Automation's Six-Axis Force/Torque sensors were recently launched into outer space on the Soyuz Rocket Mission to the International Space Station. ATI Force/Torque Sensors were chosen to be used in the production of the Xsens ForceShoe which is a high-fidelity, wearable research tool. This wearable technology was developed by the University of Twente and Xsens, a technology leading innovator in 3D motion tracking technology and products.

The ForceShoe device, using ATI Force/Torque Sensors, collects data for studying the loads or force produced by crew members during exercise on the space station. This will help scientists understand how zero gravity affects the astronaut’s current exercise regimen onboard the International Space Station. With this information NASA can improve workout programs to ensure they retain muscle mass and bone density. Living and working in space with zero gravity means there’s no resistance, and nothing to promote muscle growth. So to maintain muscle mass and bone density, astronauts need to exercise often, performing cardio and weight-bearing exercises.

The basic design of the ForceShoe is a set of orthotic sandals equipped with two ATI Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensors to determine what loads are applied downward as well as during front-to-back and side-to-side movements. The astronauts will wear ForceShoes during their workout and even around the Space Station to keep track of movements and loads. Data will be transmitted via Bluetooth to station computers, which is then sent to scientists back on Earth to evaluate. This data is important and a high priority for NASA and their Human Research Program since, due to mechanical failures on the older ISS load sensing equipment, scientists have no data recorded since mid-2011.

The ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensor system measures all six components of force and torque. The system consists of a transducer, shielded high-flex cable, and intelligent data acquisition system, Ethernet/DeviceNet interface or F/T controller. Force/Torque sensors are used throughout industry for product testing, robotic assembly, grinding, and polishing. In research, our sensors are used in robotic surgery, haptics, rehabilitation, neurology, and many others applications.

Updated Information on the ForceShoe

More information on our Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensors

More information on Xsens here



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