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ATI Industrial Automation
Boosting Production Potential with Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensors
ATI F/T Sensors featured in FFJournal Magazine
Apex, NC , janeiro 30, 2015
Force control technology, also referred to as tactile feedback, gives robots fine-tuned information about the force being applied to a part so the robot can react appropriately. ATI Industrial Automation's Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensors enable robots to do just that. ATI F/T Sensors can operate in nearly any application and working condition, such as wet or dusty environments. ATI Sensors also can wirelessly transmit F/T data through your wireless access points.

Robot adaptability resulting from force control is a necessity when removing parting lines on metal castings due to the varying size of the parting line. Large sections of molding flash sometimes need to be removed by grinding. A robot equipped with ATI F/T Sensors can give it an almost “human-like” ability to sense when it has encountered an unworkable area of a part and make the decision to take a different approach. When a robot’s behavior is able to adapt to a process in real time, the result is improved production, quality, and tool life. ATI F/T Sensors help with more rudimentary skills, like part handling, too. For example, one of ATI’s customers moves a very expensive part throughout a process for which they use an F/T Sensor to maintain position to eliminate the risk of damage.

ATI’s Force/Torque Sensor Systems measures six components of force and torque (Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz) and features a compact design, hardened stainless steel or aircraft aluminum construction, high-speed output, overload protection, span temperature compensation options, and high signal-to-noise ratio. ATI offers a wide range of custom and standard sensor models from 17 mm to 330 mm and can include environmental protection (IP) on most models. With 25 years of robotic end-effector innovation, ATI’s engineering department is the largest of its kind for a robotic tooling company, and is focused on developing cost-effective, state-of-the-art products and solutions.

For more information on our Force/Torque Sensors click here.

To read the full article on ATI Force/Torque Sensors click here.

ATI Force/Torque Sensor mounted on an ABB Robot


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