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From the Desk of RIA Chair, Catherine Morris

Robotic Industries Association 4th Quarter Updates

Apex, NC,  1月 9, 2013

From the desk of RIA Chair and Director of Automotive Sales for ATI Industrial Automation, Catherine Morris:

RIA MEMBER SEAL_RGB_small.jpgHappy New Year to all and I wish everyone continued success for 2013!  I could not have asked for a better first year as we exceeded our goals in every area. There is lots of good news to report for the end of 2012 as we quickly move into another year.    

Membership To begin, RIA membership ended the year at 303 (13% increase from 2011) and is continuing to grow. We are excited with all the interest and retention is at an all time high. It is clear that people are buying in to the belief that we are stronger as a group than we are individually. 

Staff – More growth within the RIA staff team as we continue to add people that will move us forward. Pat Davison is the new Director of Standards Development for RIA and his background and experience will be very positive for the association. In the bigger picture, our parent group, A3, has added a Director of Communications, Bob Doyle, who will be an excellent addition to the team. 

System Integrator Certification – We ended the year with eleven RIA Certified Robot Integrators – one ahead of our goal and more waiting in the pipeline! Integrators definitely see the value and appear to appreciate the opportunity to differentiate themselves from their competitors! Integrators also continue to report that they are receiving calls from new potential customers just because their name is on the RIA Certified Integrator page. Check this link for more information:  Certified Robot Integrator Program

Automate 2013 – Just a couple weeks to go and there is a definite BUZZ about the show! Our keynote speakers, Henrik Christensen "The Future of Robotics" (on Monday) and Steve Forbes "Economic Outlook" (on Tuesday) are getting a lot of interest! The small to medium size companies appear to appreciate the opportunity to see it ALL at one show. We will exceed the 2011 show in every area – exhibitors are up 15% from 2011, and we have more integrators in our Solutions area. Pre-registration is currently running 15 % of 2011 so we expect more ATTENDEES! I know this is what we are all most interested in. The NEW Expert Huddles have created a lot of buzz. These free Huddles run each day, but are limited to 10 people per huddle (first come, first serve). Come with your specific questions and be ready to participate. Click here for a schedule of Expert Huddle topics and speakers.

Automate 2013 Mobile App You can download the Automate 2013 Mobile App to make the most of your time at the show. Free download at automate2013mobile.com.

20th Annual Robotics Industry Forum – Attendance looks like it will break all previous records! Check the current agenda and sign up now if you have not already done so as room availability is going quickly. Our 20th Anniversary Event promises to be the best ever for our return to the Orlando World Marriott Center February 20-22, 2013. Alan Beaulieu will return with a session on the economic outlook and joins an already very strong speaker group. If you have never attended the Forum you should consider trying it out this year and if you are a regular attendee this is a year you will not want to miss.  http://www.robotics.org/events/event.cfm?id=162 

I continue to spread this message and it is clear that people are listening. Companies are seeing the value as we are growing! Interest in participating in the RIA Board was at an all time high. It is very good for all of us that people want to be more involved. As I keep saying, our association can only be as strong as we make it! I encourage you to get involved and participate! Spreading the Automation message grows business for all of us. Let me know if you have feedback or thoughts to share as I am always open to discuss.  

Thanks again for your interest in, involvement, and commitment to our industry.  

Best regards,

RIA Chair

For more information about RIA and the robotics industry, visit www.robotics.org or contact RIA Headquarters at 734-994-6088.

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